New research highlights exceptional employee satisfaction at Asuntoyhtymä

Johanna Mattsson
Johanna Mattsson

According to a newly released survey, Asuntoyhtymä is at the top of its industry when it comes to employee satisfaction. The company’s strengths include equal treatment and appreciation of employees, approachable management, and commitment to shared goals. The vast majority of employees would recommend Asuntoyhtymä as a place to work to their peers.

The research company Innolink surveyed employee satisfaction at Asuntoyhtymä in February and March. All the company’s employees were invited to participate in the survey conducted via email. The results are now out, and they show that employee satisfaction at Asuntoyhtymä is exceptionally high.

In free-form comments, Asuntoyhtymä was described as the best workplace ever, and a work community where everyone pulls in the same direction and is driven to get things done. The company did particularly well in questions regarding equal treatment and appreciation of employees, approachability of the management, commitment to shared goals, and the freedom of employees to work independently and in their own way. Almost all respondents said they would like to continue working for the company for a long time. Asuntoyhtymä’s CEO Jaakko Niskanen believes the key to employee happiness is enjoyable work in an enthusiastic atmosphere.

”We already employ nearly 50 people, as we want to perform as many operational activities as possible in-house. Though we work at a fast pace, I always like to remind our growing team that it’s very important to enjoy every single day. Happily, we have a special spirit in-house and we aim to keep it that way!” Niskanen says.

Asuntoyhtymä staff

In the survey, Asuntoyhtymä’s eNPS, Employee Net Promoter Score, was an amazing 94. Calculated as a number between -100 and 100, eNPS showcases how likely employees would be to recommend the company to their peers as a place to work. If the number is below zero, detractors outnumber the promoters. A positive result means that most people would recommend the company.

The average score of companies in the Innolink database is 13. Asuntoyhtymä’s outstanding result is by far the highest in its industry and in the top 1 per cent of all companies surveyed.

Company values shared across the board

Asuntoyhtymä’s values are respect, simplicity, sustainability, and continuous personal and business development. The majority of employees said these values are reflected in the company’s operations either well or very well. Respect and continuous business development were seen as the best adopted values.

”Employees at Asuntoyhtymä are respected and allowed to be themselves. There’s a strong sense of belonging here, and we take pride in looking after our employees. This means caring for them; paying attention, listening, and encouraging, while always emphasising the role of well-being at work,” Asuntoyhtymä’s Head of Rentals Johanna Mattsson explains how the values are put into practice.

In Asuntoyhtymä’s fast-growing and constantly evolving workplace, employees also understood why, in certain situations, the values still require work. “I see these as genuine values towards which we all strive together,” one of the respondents said.

Employees’ suggestions take the company forward

The survey also asked the employees to suggest how Asuntoyhtymä could develop in order to be an even better place to work. The focus of the suggestions was on organising activities together and celebrating shared success. In terms of everyday practicalities, respondents mentioned clarifying processes and improving work-life balance by, for example, adopting time tracking.

35 employees participated in the survey, and the response rate was 92%.